Newcastle Businesses

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Do you have any formal training or experience in running a business, ever wish you knew a bit more about running your business?

Seeing so many small businesses with hugely committed owners working massive hours just to get everything done, often struggling with all the other bits that aren’t core skills like… strategy, planning, marketing, finances, staff, IT and the list goes on, led us to develop this online program that walks you through the whole business of business.

Remember you don’t know what you don’t know and sometimes a little help can make a huge difference not only to your business but quality of life as well.

Our online program is Personal Training for Your Business Goals and is typically a 12 – 16 week program with weekly modules making it easy to work through at your own pace without adding any pressure.

The program is intended for people who want to improve their focus, make the best use of their time and grow their business and profits to their full potential. It is also designed knowing that time and funds are often two of the items in short supply in small to medium business and let you to control the level your budget and when you complete each session as the program is available 24/7.

Harry Goldstein
Biz Coach Online

Div. Of East Coast Consulting Pty Ltd
Phone +61 2 4945 2285
Mobile: +61 420 941 043
