Thursday, October 28, 2010

Society 2.0 - New Lunaticks Event

Well a great evening at The Delaney on Tuesday night with the latest event for the New Lunaticks, this time fronted by Roger Pryor.

Here's what it was about...

Society 2.0 - What can we learn about ourselves off the internet?

With the pace of change (especially around the internet & technology) changing rapidly what does that mean for us as people? What does it mean in our everyday social lives? What does it mean in our workforce? What does it mean for employers? For Employees?

With 2 great events under The Lunaticks Society's belt we have decided to bring you an interactive event to discuss how the internet has impacted on our everyday lives & what the future may look like for Society 3.0.

Are we ready?

What are the risks?

What are the benefits?

What do we need to fear?

What can we get excited about?

What opportunities do employers have?

What do employees need to think about?

We've dragged together a bunch of experts to share their stories and also answer some of your questions surrounding Privacy, your Identity, Social Interaction, Work/Personal Boundaries of online Communications, Potential Issues for Employers & workplace policies.

And here are some highlights from the evening.

Photo gallery from the event